
Georg Cernusca

Every nation needs Heroes
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
Andreas Hofer - you ever encountered is Andreas Hofer? If you talked about Andreas Hofer with you? Was the Tyrolean struggle for freedom once an issue - No. Not really. But one that should already know everything, you know. It has yet each nation's - how can you say? - His hero. Each nation. - - - Every people. - - - And it takes the heroes? " Does it the heroes? Does a nation of heroes? Does your opinion, a people the heroes? Heroes are needed? Are heroes important? Yes, sure. Yes, yes. I think so. Yes. And why? And why? Yes, because they are role models. Those are people who think nationally, and they love their country, their home, its mountains and so on. And that's clear. Yes. - -